Php Code For Sending Sms To Mobile Free Download Rating: 8,6/10 2849 votes
PHP sample code for sending SMS through the FrontlineCloud API
  1. Php Code For Sending Sms To Mobile Free Download Free

Aug 15, 2011 Send Text Messages with PHP. There are various free gateways, with varying degrees of successful delivery. I need to send sms to spain mobile? Please share the. Download PHP Code to Send SMS to Mobile for free. This PHP Code Will Allows You to Send SMS to Mobile via Website. This PHP Code Will Allows You to Send SMS to Mobile via Website or Localhost. You Can Use This Script to Intigrate SMS Functionality to Your Mobile Application, Web Application, Verification Process, Etc.

Php Code For Sending Sms To Mobile Free Download
<?php//FILE: sms_api.php
functionsendSMS($number, $message) {
$url = 'example'; // Set your frontlinesms or frontlinecloud webconnection url here
$secret = 'secret'; // Set the secret here
$request = array(
'secret' => $secret,
'message' => $message,
'recipients' => array(array(
'type' => 'mobile',
'value' => $number
$req = json_encode($request);
$ch = curl_init( $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type:application/json'));
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $req );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
$result = curl_exec($ch);
<?php//FILE: index.php
$number = '+123456789';
$text = 'Hi There, how are you?';
$sms_api_result = sendSMS($number, $text);
// Check if SMS was sent. The $sms_api_result boolean indicates whether the API call was successful.
// You can replace the code below with custom handling logic
if ($sms_api_result[0] 'OK') {
// Ok, SMS received by the API
echo'The SMS was sent.';
else {
// Failure, SMS was not sent
// In this example we display the response to identify the error

commented Dec 11, 2014

Hey, Thanks a lot for this demo, however, I get this error that is saying some functions you are using are deprecated.

Could we maybe see how to fix these for future implementations,

So I have read from the php documentation that they would prefer us to use the explode() method, i.e

Thanks man

commented Dec 15, 2014

I am not be able to run this example. I installed Frontlinesms in windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.10 server in a VM. showed me that php is running. But when I select index.php nothing happen.
Please advice.

commented Apr 29, 2016

Note for anyone who comes across this, this example is using the deprecated WebConnection API. Frontline now does this through Activities and the Webhook api. Moto g5 unlock code free. Updated API docs are here:

  • Sending outbound messages:
  • Receiving inbound messages:

Will push an update to this shortly.

commented May 9, 2016

Updated, this should now work with our current FrontlineCloud code.

commented Mar 27, 2017

The segment of code that reads

should be updated to read

The change to be made is on line 11, 'type' => 'address' to 'type' => 'mobile'

commented Mar 27, 2017

You're right @ivanoronee, have updated to reflect this.

commented May 4, 2017

when i click submit, its returning

Array ( [0] => )

can you please help

commented Jun 13, 2018

when i click submit, its returning

Array ( [0] => )

please assist

commented Apr 24, 2019

anyone who knows how to sort this problem
Array ( [0] => )
help please

Php Code For Sending Sms To Mobile Free Download Free

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